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snippet: Depicts true color imagery for the 26 counties representing the Northern Piedmont and Mountains region of North Carolina. The imagery was flown in early 2022 as part of the NC Orthoimagery Program and has a pixel resolution of 6 inches. The RMSE is 1.0 ft X and Y.
summary: Depicts true color imagery for the 26 counties representing the Northern Piedmont and Mountains region of North Carolina. The imagery was flown in early 2022 as part of the NC Orthoimagery Program and has a pixel resolution of 6 inches. The RMSE is 1.0 ft X and Y.
accessInformation: NCCGIA, NC 911 Board
maxScale: 68028.33519863102
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Since 2020, the NC Orthoimagery Program has collected 4-band imagery (red, green, blue, near infrared) to support image analysis. The 2022 imagery collection includes the 26 counties representing the Northern Piedmont and Mountains region of North Carolina. This version of the data is presented as true color (red, green, blue) imagery and is best used for general or background viewing. The imagery has a pixel resolution of 6 inches and an RMSE is 1.0 ft X and Y.
licenseInfo: Please refer to
title: Orthoimagery_2022
type: Image Service
tags: ["NC","North Carolina","Department of Information Technology","NCDIT","NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis","CGIA","imageryBaseMapsEarthCover","imagery","orthoimagery","aerial photography","2022"]
culture: en-US
name: Orthoimagery_2022
minScale: 3.483050762169908E7
spatialReference: NAD_1983_2011_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Ft_US