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Service Description: Public Municipal Stormwater Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Public Municipal Stormwater Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003. Type A Future Public Sewer Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Future Public Sewer Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Future" in the title Type A Future Public Sewer Systems refers to system boundary the water system owner expects in 2010. The tabular data will be the same as it was for the current data. Type A Current Public Sewer Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Current Public Sewer Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Current" in Type A Current Public Sewer Systems refers to the most recent year of data the sewer system owner had that represented a full year. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003. Type A Future Public Water Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Future Public Water Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Future" in the title Type A Future Public Water Systems refers to system boundary the water system owner expects in 2010. The tabular data will be the same as it was for the current data. Type A Current Public Water Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Current Public Water Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Current" in the title Type A Current Public Water Systems refers to the most recent year of data the water system owner had that represented a full year. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003.
Map Name: NC1Map_Water_Sewer_2004
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Description: Public Municipal Stormwater Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Public Municipal Stormwater Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003. Type A Future Public Sewer Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Future Public Sewer Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Future" in the title Type A Future Public Sewer Systems refers to system boundary the water system owner expects in 2010. The tabular data will be the same as it was for the current data. Type A Current Public Sewer Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Current Public Sewer Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Current" in Type A Current Public Sewer Systems refers to the most recent year of data the sewer system owner had that represented a full year. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003. Type A Future Public Water Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Future Public Water Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Future" in the title Type A Future Public Water Systems refers to system boundary the water system owner expects in 2010. The tabular data will be the same as it was for the current data. Type A Current Public Water Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Current Public Water Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Current" in the title Type A Current Public Water Systems refers to the most recent year of data the water system owner had that represented a full year. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003.
Service Item Id: 127bfb653d5b42e4bcf0c1f565c4c697
Copyright Text: NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCCGIA)
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 24082.132237271813
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Spatial Reference: 32119
Full Extent:
XMin: 143405.85883504897
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XMax: 930348.8130399436
YMax: 314666.6881086379
Spatial Reference: 32119
Units: esriMeters
Document Info:
Title: NC1Map_Water_Sewer_2004
Comments: Public Municipal Stormwater Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Public Municipal Stormwater Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003. Type A Future Public Sewer Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Future Public Sewer Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Future" in the title Type A Future Public Sewer Systems refers to system boundary the water system owner expects in 2010. The tabular data will be the same as it was for the current data. Type A Current Public Sewer Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Current Public Sewer Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Current" in Type A Current Public Sewer Systems refers to the most recent year of data the sewer system owner had that represented a full year. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003. Type A Future Public Water Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Future Public Water Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Future" in the title Type A Future Public Water Systems refers to system boundary the water system owner expects in 2010. The tabular data will be the same as it was for the current data. Type A Current Public Water Systems: The NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis developed the GIS data set, Type A Current Public Water Systems, as mapped by contractors to the NC Rural Center (engineering firms McGill & Associates and Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates) during 2004, 2005, and 2006 to facilitate planning, siting and impact analysis in the 100 individual counties of North Carolina. This file enables the user to make various county-level determinations when used in conjunction with other data layers. "Current" in the title Type A Current Public Water Systems refers to the most recent year of data the water system owner had that represented a full year. The survey was in 2004, so this data would normally have been for calendar year 2003.
Subject: A resource showing existing public municipal stormwater systems (2004), and current and future water and sewer system areas.
Keywords: NC
AntialiasingMode: Fast
TextAntialiasingMode: Force
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
Resampling: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
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